Give Today
Invest in the Success of Students, Faculty and Programs
Now more than ever, support from alumni, friends and corporate partners is critical for ensuring continued excellence in the UA Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Mechanics. Your generous contributions not only support student scholarships, but also fund important programs like the Construction Engineering Management emphasis, architectural engineering degree program, and Aquilibrium Arizona. In addition, your contributions help the department attract and retain prominent faculty.
To make a donation to UA Civil and Architectural Engineering and Mechanics, visit the UA Foundation’s giving page or see the College of Engineering's giving options.
Circle of Support
The Mohr’s Circle at UA Civil and Architectural Engineering and Mechanics includes corporate and individual donors who pledge $1,000 or more annually to the department’s discretionary fund.
Contributions support courses, clubs, conferences, marketing materials, recruiting visits, equipment upgrades and student recognition. Department leaders see these funds as critical to increasing enrollment, expanding programs and broadening the student experience.
Gifts of $2,500 or more to CAEM also qualify you for the College of Engineering da Vinci Circle.
Donation Highlight
Investing in the Future
Travis McCarthy, a 1998 CAEM graduate, gives back to the College to support his family's belief in the value of education. McCarthy said his UA Engineering education set a strong foundation for his career successes, and wants to see that success continue for future students.
"Upon graduation, stay connected to the university and the college – maybe initially it's staying in touch with a professor or doing a class talk. When the time is right, consider giving back financially. Remember the gift you are getting here tonight and look to pay it forward."

David W. Hahn, Craig M. Berge Dean, College of Engineering