Research & Internships
No Substitute for Experience
In addition to participating in the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Mechanics’ internship program, students bolster career prospects through research and design projects.
- Join a faculty project or start your own via the University of Arizona’s undergraduate research opportunities.
- Exhibit your civil engineering capstone design project at Design Day with the Engineering Design Program.
- Sharpen your business skills at the McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship.

Rigorous CAEM Internship Program
All CAEM students are strongly encouraged to participate in the department’s internship program, typically overseen by a licensed professional. Take the lessons you’ve learned in the classroom into a professional, practice-oriented environment. Further develop your teamwork skills and leadership capabilities. Practice effective communication and critical thinking. Gain an understanding of business procedures. CAEM internships, structured within a semiformal academic framework, are paid and carry course credit. However, the course credit is not applicable to degree requirements, nor is it obtainable through transfer credit.
Win-Win for Employers and Students
Employers participating in the CAEM Internship Program tap into a qualified and motivated group of students, evaluate their skills, work ethic and ability to adapt to the company’s operating procedures, and hire interns as employees after graduation. Learn more through these resources:
24-7 Makerspace for All Engineering Students
Create your next project from scratch at the Engineering Design Center, a workspace for 3D printing, circuit building, soldering, wood and metal fabrication, and much more.