Graduate Advising
With the help of individualized instruction by renowned faculty, CAEM graduate students are building a better tomorrow with reliable transportation systems, earthquake-proof buildings and more.
Graduate programs are administered through the University of Arizona Graduate College. For CAEM graduate program requirements, policies and procedures, see the appropriate pages on the UA Graduate College website, as detailed below.

Megan Letchworth
Academic Advisor III
- Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
- Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
- Accelerated Master of Engineering Program in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
- Accelerated Master of Science Program in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
- Certificate in Advanced Transportation Engineering
- Certificate in Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering
- Certificate in Geoengineering
Further information is available in the CAEM Graduate Handbook.
UA Degree Forms
The University of Arizona Graduate College uses GradPath to process degree forms. Please complete and submit forms online through UAccess Student.
CAEM Forms, Lists and Worksheets
Grad Assistant Programs
For information on graduate research and teaching assistant and associate positions, see the UA Graduate College GA Manual.