Undergraduate Courses

Below on this page are CAEM undergraduate courses with descriptions, prerequisites and syllabi. Archived syllabi can be found here.

See Undergraduate Degrees for coursework requirements in design and analysis and technical electives as well as prerequisite charts and course flowcharts.

Visit Undergraduate Advising to schedule a meeting about course requirements.

Additional information, including fees and grading bases, is available through the UA Catalog under Course Descriptions.

ARCE 210: Building Information Modeling
Units: 3

This course focuses on the role of building information modeling (BIM) in architecture and engineering. Students will learn the fundamental processes of BIM based on 3D computer drafting, including site analysis and data extraction; basic model building, dimensioning, planning and elevations; and parametric modeling, documentation and 3D rendering.

Usually offered: Spring
ARCE 223: Building Technology III: Environmentally Adaptive Systems, EAS
Units: 3

This course introduces fundamentals of environmentally adaptive architectural design, including bioclimatics, electromagnetics, fluid physics, and the related interactions with materials, form and spatial composition.

Prerequisite(s): PHYS 102
Usually offered: Spring
ARCE 320: Power System Engineering
Units: 3

The main course objective is to introduce students to the requirements, analysis and design of electrical and power systems for residential and commercial buildings. The course is provided in lecture format.

Prerequisite(s): Engineering 211M
Usually offered: Spring
ARCE 330: Lighting Design
Units: 3

This course focuses on light and lighting in its various forms from technology and science, via the human condition to the built environment. The students will hear about theory, history and culture; physics and optics; and science and technology. Hands-on design exercises will give the students a basic knowledge for documentation, enable them to develop channels of communication and language, and provide tools to evaluate data and synthesize the information.

Usually offered: Spring
CE 210: Engineering Graphics
Units: 1

Representations and analysis of systems of orthographic projection and graphical methods used in engineering design and production, correlated with technical sketching.

Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CE 214: Statics
Units: 3

Equilibrium of a particle, equivalent and resultant force systems, equilibrium, geometric properties of areas and solids, trusses, frames and machines, shear force and bending moments, friction. Honors section is available.

Prerequisite(s): PHYS 141 or PHYS 161H, MATH 129 or MATH 250B or concurrently enrolled in MATH 250B
Usually offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
CE 215: Mechanics of Solids
Units: 3

Material behavior; relationship between external forces acting on elastic and inelastic bodies and the resulting behavior; stress and deformation of bars, beams, shafts, pressure vessels; stress and strain; combined stresses; columns. Honors section is available.

Prerequisite(s): CE 214
Usually offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
CE 218: Mechanics of Fluids
Units: 3

Hydrostatics, continuity, irrotational flow, pressure distributions, weirs and gates, momentum and energy, surface drag, pipe friction, form drag, pipe fitting losses.

Prerequisite(s): CE 214
Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CE 251: Elementary Surveying
Units: 3

Theory of measurements and errors; vertical and horizontal control methods; topographic, public land and construction surveys; use of surveying instruments.

Prerequisite(s): MATH 111
Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CE 260: Computer Programming in Civil Engineering
Units: 1

This 1-unit course is designed to give students a basic knowledge of MATLAB programming. The course will cover fundamentals of MATLAB operations with arrays (vectors and matrices): how to create script files, function files, use loop and conditional statements, and present the computed results graphically. Students will be required to write simple programs in MATLAB.

Prerequisite(s): MATH 223
Usually offered: Spring
CE 301: Engineering Communications
Units: 3

Elements of written and oral communications for engineers including technical writing skills for proposal and report preparation, delivery techniques for oral presentations, and the effective use of audio/visual aids.

Usually offered: Fall
CE 303: Numerical Analysis for Civil Engineers
Units: 3

Topics include: finding roots of nonlinear equations; solution techniques for system of linear equations; curve fitting - polynomial and spline interpolation; least squares fit; numerical differentiation and integration; solution of ordinary differential equations - initial and boundary value problems; and use of MATLAB codes in numerical analysis for solving civil engineering problems.

Prerequisite(s): ENGR 102, MATH 129
Usually offered: Fall
CE 310: Probability and Statistics in Civil Engineering
Units: 3

Topics include: statistical decision theory and its application in civil engineering; identification and modeling of non-deterministic problems in civil engineering and the treatment thereof relative to engineering design and decision making; and statistical reliability concepts.

Prerequisite(s): MATH 129
Usually offered: Spring
CE 323: Hydraulic Engineering and Design
Units: 4

Topics include: open channel flow, natural streams and waterways, hydrologic analysis and design, pressure flow, analysis and design of pipe networks and pump systems.

Prerequisite(s): CE 218
Usually offered: Spring
CE 329: Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
Units: 1

Topics include: open-channel and closed conduit studies of basic flow phenomena, with emphasis on continuity, conservation of momentum and exchange of energy; and calibration of flow-measuring devices.

Prerequisite(s): Concurrent registration, CE 218
Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CE 333: Elementary Structural Analysis
Units: 3

Topics include: analysis of structures - beams, frames and trusses; statically determinate structures; influence lines; deflections by the virtual work method; and statically indeterminate structures using the superposition method.

Prerequisite(s): CE 215
Usually offered: Fall
CE 334: Structural Design in Steel
Units: 3

Topics include: design of steel members, connections and simple structures, and an introduction to load and resistance factor design concept, including tension members, laterally supported and unsupported beams, columns, bolted and welded connections.

Prerequisite(s): CE 333
Usually offered: Spring
CE 335: Structural Design in Concrete
Units: 3

Topics include: analysis and design of reinforced concrete members subjected to flexure, shear and axial loads; deflection of beams; bond and development of reinforcement.

Prerequisite(s): CE 333
Usually offered: Fall
CE 343: Soil Mechanics
Units: 3

In this course, we will discuss the fundamental physical and mechanical properties of soils and use them in the design of simple foundation and earth retaining systems. We will use certain fundamental principles of solid mechanics and fluid mechanics to describe the mechanical behavior of soils.

Prerequisite(s): CE 215
Usually offered: Fall
CE 349: Soils Laboratory
Units: 1

Students will conduct and interpret soil test results. Tests include water content, particle size, permeability, consolidation and shear strength.

Prerequisite(s): Concurrent registration, CE 343
Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CE 363: Transport Engineering and Pavement Design
Units: 3

Basis for planning, design, and operation of transportation facilities. Driver and vehicle performance characteristics, highway geometric and pavement design principles; traffic analysis and transportation planning.

Prerequisite(s): CE 251
Usually offered: Fall
CE 370L: Environmental and Water Engineering Laboratory
Units: 1

The course is supplementary to CHEE/CE 370R, the three-unit introductory environmental engineering course. It consists of a problem-oriented lab that meets weekly for two hours to provide supplementary material for non-chemical engineers taking the introductory course. Emphasis will be on introducing chemistry and biochemistry concepts that support environmental engineering operations for water and wastewater treatment. Basic problem-solving skills in these areas will also be developed.

Usually offered: Spring
CE 370R: Environmental and Water Engineering Laborator
Units: 3

Covers principles and methods for analysis of environmental engineering issues, including topics such as greenhouse gas effects, tropospheric air pollution, environmental air pollution, environmental risk assessment, surface and ground water pollution, and drinking and wastewater treatment.

Usually offered: Spring
CE 381: Construction Engineering Management
Units: 3

This course provides an opportunity to develop an enhanced understanding of construction industry and practices in preparation to contribute to construction firms, project management consultants, and owners upon graduation and to improve project delivery by understanding linkages between design and construction.

Prerequisite(s): Advanced standing
Usually offered: Fall
CE 389: Materials Testing Laboratory
Units: 1

Selected testing of steel, concrete, wood and bituminous materials according to standard test procedures.

Prerequisite(s): CE 215
Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CE 402: Introduction to Finite Element Methods
Units: 3

Theory and formulation procedures: energy and residual. One-dimensional problems: stress analysis in axial structures, steady and transient fluid and heat flow, consolidation, wave-propagation, beam-column. Two-dimensional problems: field and plane/axisymmetric, use of computer codes for solution to typical problems.

Prerequisite(s): CE 303
Cross-listed as: EM 402
Usually offered: Fall
CE 408A: Issues in Civil Engineering Practice
Units: 3

Introduction to non-technical issues impacting the practice of design professionals in the private and public sectors including: types of organizations; income, expenses, and profit; quality-based selection for obtaining and performing work; contracts; dispute resolution methods; professional ethics.

Prerequisite(s): At least two (2) of the following: CE 323, CE 334 or CE 335, CE 343, CE 363, CE 370R and CE 370L; Concurrent registration, CE 301
Usually offered: Fall
CE 408B: Civil Engineering Senior Capstone Design
Units: 3

A culminating experience for majors involving a substantive project that demonstrates a synthesis of learning accumulated in the major, including broadly comprehensive knowledge of the discipline and its methodologies. Senior standing required.

Prerequisite(s): CE 301, CE 408 and at least 4 of the following courses: CE 323, CE 334 or CE 335, CE 343, CE 363, CE 370R and CE 370L
Usually offered: Spring
CE 410: Probability in Civil Engineering
Units: 3

Outlines the extent of uncertainties under which civil engineering designs and decisions are made. Theory and application. Advanced topics in risk-based engineering design. System reliability concepts. Statistical decision theory and its application in civil engineering. Identifying and modeling, nondeterministic problems in engineering in understanding many recently issued engineering codes.

Prerequisite(s): MATH 129, CE 310
Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CE 411: Research Methods and Data Analysis in Civil Engineering
Units: 3

This course introduces students to the concepts of the conduct of research in an empirical setting.

Prerequisite(s): CE 310
Usually offered: Fall
CE 422: Open-Channel Flow
Units: 3

Differential equations governing unsteady flow in open channels. Simple surface waves in subcritical and supercritical flows. Introduction of kinematic, diffusion and dynamic wave methods. Applications to reservoir routing, dam break flow and overland flow.

Prerequisite(s): CE 323 or consent of instructor
Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CE 423: Hydrology
Units: 3

Discussion and analysis of major topics of the hydrologic cycle and their interrelationship, such as rainfall, infiltration, evaporation and runoff. Statistical and probabilistic methods in water supply and flood hydrology.

Prerequisite(s): CE 218
Usually offered: Fall
CE 426: Watershed Engineering
Units: 3

Design of waterways, erosion control structures and small dams. Methods for frequency analysis and synthetic time distribution of rainfall. Methods for estimating infiltration and runoff from small watersheds, flow routing and stormwater management. Estimating erosion using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation.

Prerequisite(s): CE 218 or AME 331
Usually offered: Fall
CE 427: Computer Applications in Hydraulics
Units: 3

Computer modeling of surface water hydrology, flood plain hydraulics and water distribution systems. Theoretical basis. Application and design studies.

Prerequisite(s): CE 323 or consent of instructor
Usually offered: Fall
CE 429: Special Topics in Hydraulics & Water Resources Engineering
Units: 3

Selected advanced topics will be covered in the fields of hydraulics and water resources engineering with emphasis on analysis and design of water systems.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor
Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CE 432: Advanced Structural Design in Steel
Units: 3

Advanced problems in the analysis and design of steel structures including beam columns, plate girders, composite construction, multi-story buildings, static and dynamic lateral and vertical loads, connections, computer applications.

Prerequisite(s): CE 334
Usually offered: Fall
CE 434: Design of Wood and Masonry Structures
Units: 3

Determination of gravity and lateral loads on structures. Design of wood structures for axial load and bending; structural wood panels, diaphragms and shear walls. Types of masonry construction. Design of masonry structures for gravity and lateral loads.

Prerequisite(s): Concurrent registration, CE 333
Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CE 435: Prestressed Concrete Structures
Units: 3

Behavior, analysis and design of statically determinate and indeterminate prestressed concrete structures; calculation of loss of prestress.

Prerequisite(s): CE 333, CE 335
Usually offered: Spring (alternating)
CE 437: Advanced Structural Design in Concrete
Units: 3

Advanced problems in the analysis and design of concrete structures, design of slender columns and one- and two-way slabs; lateral and vertical load analysis of bridges and multistory buildings; introduction to design for torsion and seismic forces; use of structural computer programs.

Prerequisite(s): CE 333, CE 335
Usually offered: Spring (alternating)
CE 438: Behavior and Design of Structural Systems
Units: 3

Structural systems, gravity load resisting systems, lateral force resisting systems, tall building design, computer structural analysis, structural steel, reinforced concrete, building codes, seismic resistant design.

Prerequisite(s): CE 333, CE 334, and CE 335 not required but strongly recommended
Usually offered: Spring
CE 440: Foundation Engineering
Units: 3

Settlement and bearing capacity of shallow and deep foundations; beam on elastic foundation; design of footings and pile foundations; foundations on metastable soils; the use of computer codes for foundation problems.

Prerequisite(s): CE 343
Usually offered: Spring
CE 441: Earth Structures in Geotechnical Engineering
Units: 3

Stability analysis for earth slopes, including planar, circular piecewise-linear, and composite-surface methods: analyses for static and steady-flow conditions; earth pressure theories and calculations for generalized conditions; design of rigid and flexible retaining structures; design of braced and tie-back shoring systems; design of reinforced earth walls; computer-aided analysis and design.

Prerequisite(s): CE 343
Usually offered: Fall
CE 442: Ground Improvement
Units: 3

This course will talk about different ground improvement techniques including those without addition of materials, by adding materials and using reinforcing elements. During the course, opportunities will be given to students to develop a range of generic skills including written communication skills, problem-solving skills and analysis and critical evaluation skills. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to understand the principles, applications and design procedures for various ground improvement techniques; use analytical/theoretical/numerical calculations to assess the effectiveness of a ground improvement technique; gain competence in properly evaluating alternative solutions; and the effectiveness before, during and after using ground improvement.

Prerequisite(s): CE 343 or consent of instructor
Usually offered: Fall
CE 444: Special Topics in Geomechanics
Units: 3

Introduction to geoenvironmental engineering; physiochemical and microstructural behavior of geomaterials, effect of pollutants, design of waste disposal systems; advanced laboratory testing, geotextiles, space geomechanics, etc.

Prerequisite(s): CE 343 or consent of instructor
Usually offered: Spring (alternating)
CE 445: Geoenvironmental Engineering
Units: 3

Waste generation and disposal regulations; types and characterization of wastes, engineering properties of soil-water-contaminants; use of earth and geosynthetic materials in waste containment applications; evaluation, design and construction of liner and leachate collection systems used in landfills and heap leach mining; remediation of contaminated sites.

Prerequisite(s): CE 343
Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CE 446: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Units: 3

Review of plate tectonics and seismology, analysis of earthquake ground motions, travel path and distance effects, and site response effects. Soil liquefaction susceptibility, identification and mitigation. Introduction to seismic slope stability.

Prerequisite(s): CE 343
Usually offered: Fall
CE 448: Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering
Units: 3

Brief statements and applications of numerical methods based on closed-form solutions, finite difference and finite element methods for problems involving soil structure interaction such as piles, retaining walls, group piles, underground works; seepage; and consolidation.

Prerequisite(s): CE 402, CE 343
Usually offered: Spring
CE 449: Statistical Hydrology
Units: 3

Application of statistics and probability to uncertainty in the description, measurement, and analysis of hydrologic variables and processes, including extreme events, error models, simulation, sampling.

Prerequisite(s): SIE 305 or MATH 461 or equivalent calculus-based probability/statistics course
Usually offered: Spring
CE 455: Soil and Water Resources Engineering
Units: 3

Introduction to soil and water relationships, irrigation systems, irrigation water supply, and irrigation management; basic designs.

Prerequisite(s): CE 218 or AME 331
Usually offered: Fall
CE 456: Irrigation Systems Design
Units: 3

Design and operation of surface, sprinkler, and trickle irrigation systems based on economic and environmental criteria.

Prerequisite(s): CE 218 or AME 331
Usually offered: Fall
CE 458: Soils, Wetlands and Wastewater Reuse
Units: 3

Water quality and system design for agricultural drainage and wastewater systems.

Prerequisite(s): CE 218 or AME 331
Usually offered: Spring
CE 460: Special Topics in Transportation Engineering
Units: 3

Selected advanced topics will be covered in the field of transportation engineering, with emphasis on analysis and design of transportation systems.

Prerequisite(s): CE 363 or consent of instructor
Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CE 462: Traffic Engineering and Operations
Units: 3

Introduction to traffic system design concepts, control components, management strategies, and tools for evaluating their effectiveness.

Prerequisite(s): CE 363 or consent of instructor
Usually offered: Spring (alternating)
CE 463: Traffic Flow and Capacity Analysis
Units: 3

Methods for the efficient and safe operation of transport facilities through analysis of capacity, safety, speed, parking and volume data.

Prerequisite(s): CE 363
Usually offered: Spring (alternating)
CE 464: Integrated Highway Bridge Design using LRFD Methodology
Units: 3

Methods for the integrated design of components typically found in transportation structures including bridge super- and sub-structures, retaining walls, pavements, highway geometrics, traffic, drainage, etc.  Taught by practicing engineers.

Usually offered: Spring
CE 464A: Integrated Highway Bridge Design Using LRFD Methodology
Units: 3

Methods for the integrated design of components typically found in transportation structures including bridge super- and sub-structures, retaining walls, pavements, highway geometrics, traffic, drainage, etc. Taught by practicing engineers.

Prerequisite(s): CE 310, CE 323, CE 343, and CE 363. Concurrent registration, CE 335
Usually offered: Spring
CE 465: Transportation Data Management and Analysis
Units: 3

This course introduces important concepts of database design and application. Popular database and analytical tools are introduced and demonstrated using traffic sensor data, roadway geometric data and traffic accident data. The objective is to introduce modern concepts, algorithms and tools for transportation data management and analysis. With the instructions, assignments and projects in this course, students are expected to learn database design theories; analytical methods for capacity, safety and time series analyses; and skills on popular software tools for transportation data management and analysis.

Prerequisite(s): Contact department
CE 466: Highway Geometric Design
Units: 3

Study of geometric elements of streets and highways, with emphasis on analysis and design for safety. Offered every third semester.

Prerequisite(s): CE 363
Usually offered: Fall (alternating), Spring (alternating)
CE 468: Urban Transportation Planning
Units: 3

Transportation planning in relation to urban development; techniques and procedures for developing long-range regional plans.

Usually offered: Fall (alternating)
CE 469: Travel Demand Modeling
Units: 3

Detailed investigation of methods to model travel demand, covering data collection and analysis, model development, and forecasting applications.

Prerequisite(s): CE 363
Usually offered: Spring
CE 473: Biodegradation of Hazardous Organic Compounds
Units: 3

Students will learn and integrate the basic principles of microbiology required for understanding of application of bioremediation to contaminated sites; become familiar with current research in bioremediation; and learn to solve problems often encountered in application of bioremediation.

Usually offered: Spring
CE 476A: Water Treatment System Design
Units: 3

Application of theory and engineering experience to the design of unit operations for the production of potable water. Covers water regulations, conventional treatment technologies and selected advanced treatment topics.

Prerequisite(s): CE 370R and 370L are recommended for Civil Engineering majors.
Usually offered: Fall
CE 476B: Wastewater Treatment Design System
Units: 3

Application of theory and engineering experience to the design of unit operations for the treatment of wastewater. Covers water regulations, conventional treatment technologies and selected advanced treatment topics.

Usually offered: Spring
CE 478: Introduction to Hazardous Waste Management
Units: 3

Management, planning, legal and engineering aspects of liquid and solid hazardous waste treatment and disposal.

Prerequisite(s): Consult department before enrolling.
Usually offered: Spring
CE 482: Construction Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control
Units: 3

Develop an enhanced understanding of construction project planning, scheduling, execution and control in preparation to contribute to construction firms, project management consultants and owners upon graduation. Topics include network scheduling, critical path method, resource allocation, cost control, software applications to scheduling and contract documents.

Usually offered: Contact Department
CE 483: Construction Cost Estimating
Units: 3

Develop an enhanced understanding of quantity take-off and cost estimating of construction resources including materials, labor and equipment. Skills and knowledge of cost estimating will provide preparation for builders and designers to contribute to construction firms, project management consultants, and owners upon graduation. Topics include: types of cost estimates, budget estimates, pre-construction services estimates, quantity take-off, self-performed estimates, subcontractor work estimates and bid preparation.

Usually offered: Contact Department
CE 484: Fundamentals of Industrial and Environmental Health
Units: 3

Introduction to the principles of occupational and environmental health, with emphasis on industrial hygiene aspects of recognition, evaluation, and control of environmental and industrial health hazards.

Usually offered: Fall
CE 485: Construction Equipment and Methods
Units: 3

Develop an enhanced understanding of construction equipment and methods to contribute to construction firms, project management consultants and owners upon graduation. Topics include: costing, safety, earth moving equipment, cranes, creating and securing deep digs, constructing deep foundations, and forms and temporary structures.

Prerequisite(s): MATH 129 or MATH 250B, CE 381 or equivalent
Usually offered: Spring
EM 402: Introduction to Finite Element Methods
Units: 3

Theory and formulation procedures: energy and residual. One-dimensional problems: stress analysis in axial structures, steady and transient fluid and heat flow, consolidation, wave-propagation, beam-column. Two-dimensional problems: field and plane/axisymmetric, use of computer codes for solution to typical problems.

Prerequisite(s): CE 303
Cross-listed as: CE 402
Usually offered: Fall
ENGR 495: Engineering Leadership
Units: 1

This course is intended to prepare students to develop leadership competencies throughout their engineering careers by providing a basic understanding of concepts relevant to leadership in engineering. Additionally, students will analyze their own leadership competencies and prepare a personal leadership development plan. Engineers from industry will regularly visit class to share their experiences and knowledge about leadership in engineering. Significant interaction between students and industry guests is expected.

Usually offered: Spring
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Contact: Megan Letchworth 520.621.6564 - mletchworth@arizona.edu