Dominic Boccelli

Civil Engineering 206A-1
Dominic Boccelli is a Professor and Department Head of the Civil and Architectural Engineering and Mechanics at the University of Arizona. Prior to joining the University of Arizona, Dominic was an Associate Professor at the University of Cincinnati where he was the founder and director of the Interdisciplinary Water Cluster. His research is broadly focused in the area of urban water infrastructure. More specifically, his research has emphasized drinking water distribution systems focused on real-time modeling, contamination warning systems, and water quality issues associated primarily with disinfectant dynamics and by-product formation.
Dr. Boccelli's research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Water Research Foundation, the US Environmental Protection Agency, and the Binational Science Foundation (a partnership between the US and Israel). He and his co-author received the Best Research-Oriented Paper in the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (2016), and he received an Endevaour Executive Fellowship (2015) in support of his sabbatical at the University of Adelaide. He has also served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Hydroinformatics, and the Journal of the American Water Works Association.
- PhD Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
- MS Environmental Engineering
- University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
- BS Environmental Engineering
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, United States
- BS Chemistry
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, United States
Work Experience
- Dept. of Civil and Arch. Eng. and Mech., University of Arizona (2018 - Ongoing)
- Dept. of Chem. and Env. Eng., University of Cincinnati (2013 - 2018)
- Dept. of Chem. and Env. Eng., University of Cincinnati (2007 - 2013)
- Nat'l Homeland Security Research Division, USEPA (2005 - 2007)
- CDC and Univ. of Cincinnati (2003 - 2005)
Probabil+Stat Civil Engr
CE 310 (Fall 2023)
Hydraulic Engineer+Dsgn
CE 323 (Spring 2020)
Independent Study
CE 399 (Fall 2019)
CE 599 (Fall 2022)
CE 599 (Spring 2020)
Research Topics
CE 596A (Spring 2024)
CE 596A (Spring 2021)
CE 900 (Spring 2021)
CE 900 (Fall 2020)
CE 920 (Spring 2024)
CE 920 (Fall 2023)
CE 920 (Spring 2023)
CE 920 (Fall 2022)
CE 920 (Spring 2022)
CE 920 (Fall 2021)
CE 920 (Fall 2020)
Selected Publications
- Kadinski, L., Salcedo, C., Boccelli, D. L., Berglund, E., & Ostfeld, A. (2022). A Hybrid Data-Driven-Agent-Based Modelling Framework for Water Distribution Systems Contamination Response during COVID-19
. Water, 14(7), 1088. doi:10.3390/w14071088 - Lee, S., Wilson, A. M., Cooksey, E., Boccelli, D. L., & Verhougstraete, M. (2022). Exploring Vulnerable Nodes, Impactful Viral Intrusion Sites, and Viral Infection Risk Reductions Offered by Chlorine Boosters in Municipal Drinking Water Networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148(9), 04022048. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001589
- DiNardo, A., Boccelli, D. L., Herrera, M., Creaco, E., Cominola, A., Sitzenfrei, R., & Taomina, R. (2021). Smart Urban Water Networks: Solutions, Trends and Challenges. Water, 13(4), 501. doi:10.3390/w13040501
- Oliveira, P. A., & Boccelli, D. L. (2021). Water Distribution Nodal Demand Clustering Based on Network Flow Measurements. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 147(12), 04021087. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001485
- Rana, S. M., Boccelli, D. L., Marchi, A., & Dandy, G. C. (2020). Drinking Water Distribution System Network Clustering Using Self-Organizing Map for Real-Time Demand Estimation. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146(12), 04020090. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001289
- Scott, C. A., Pincetl, S., Meixner, T., Lansey, K. E., Duan, J. G., Daigger, G. T., Cath, T. Y., Boccelli, D., Shrestha, P. P., Albrecht, T., Mack, E. A., Zuniga Teran, A. A., Achilli, A., & Crosson, C. (2020). Net Zero Urban Water from Concept to Applications: Integrating Natural, Built, and Social Systems for Responsive and Adaptive Solutions. ACS ES&T Water.
- Qin, T., & Boccelli, D. L. (2019). Estimating distribution system water demands using Markov chain Monte Carlo. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145(7), 04019023. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001077
- Rana, S. M., Boccelli, D. L., Scott, D. T., & Hester, E. T. (2019). Parameter uncertainty with flow variation of the one-dimensional solute transport model for small streams using Markov chain Monte Carlo. Journal of Hydrology, 575, 1145--1154. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.06.003 Get
- Woo, H., Boccelli, D. L., Uber, J. G., Janke, R., & Su, Y. (2019). Dynamic time warping for quantitative analysis of tracer study time-series water quality data. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145(12), 04019052. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001115
- Chen, J., & Boccelli, D. L. (2018). Forecasting Hourly Water Demands With Seasonal Autoregressive Models for Real-Time Application. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 54(2), 879-894.
- Chen, J., & Boccelli, D. L. (2018). Real-time forecasting and visualization toolkit for multi-seasonal time series. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, 105, 244-256.
- Marchi, A., Dandy, G. C., Boccelli, D. L., & Rana, S. (2018). Assessing the Observability of Demand Pattern Multipliers in Water Distribution Systems Using Algebraic and Numerical Derivatives. JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, 144(5).
- Uber, J. G., Boccelli, D. L., Hatchett, S., Kapelan, Z., Saldarriaga, J., Simpson, A. R., Tryby, M. E., & van, Z. (2018). Let's Get Moving and Write Software: An Open Source Project for EPANET. JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, 144(4).
- Khan, S., Han, C., Khan, H. M., Boccelli, D. L., Nadagouda, M. N., & Dionysiou, D. D. (2017). Efficient degradation of lindane by visible and simulated solar light-assisted S-TiO2/peroxymonosulfate process: Kinetics and mechanistic investigations. MOLECULAR CATALYSIS, 428, 9-16.
- Khan, S., He, X., Khan, J. A., Khan, H. M., Boccelli, D. L., & Dionysiou, D. D. (2017). Kinetics and mechanism of sulfate radical- and hydroxyl radical-induced degradation of highly chlorinated pesticide lindane in UV/peroxymonosulfate system. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 318, 135-142.
Proceedings Publications
- Rana, S. M., & Boccelli, D. L. (2022). Real-Time Operation of Drinking Water Network using Multi-objective Optimization for Pump Cost Minimization and Operation Reliability. In 2nd International Joint Conference of the WDSA and CCWI.
- Salcedo, C., Ostfeld, A., & Boccelli, D. L. (2022). Optimal Location of Multiple Confirmatory Sampling Locations in Water Supply Networks in Real-Time Using Information Theory. In 2nd International Joint Conference of the WDSA and CCWI.
- Oliveira, P., & Boccelli, D. L. (2020). Time Series Prior Effect on Water Demand Estimation. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2020: Hydraulics, Waterways, and Water Distribution Systems Analysis.
- Kadinski, L., Rana, M., Boccelli, D., & Ostfeld, A. (2019). Grab Sampling Placement Modeling for Real Time Contamination Event Detection in Water Networks. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2019: Hydraulics, Waterways, and Water Distribution Systems Analysis.
- Oliveira, P., Boccelli, D. L., & others, . (2018, July). Do time series models contribute to water demand clustering?. In WDSA/CCWI Joint Conference Proceedings, 1.
- Rana, S. M., Boccelli, D. L., Marchi, A., & others, . (2018, July). Node Grouping for Consumer Demand Estimation Using a Self-Organizing Map. In WDSA/CCWI Joint Conference Proceedings, 1.
- Woo, H., Uber, J. G., Boccelli, D. L., & others, . (2018, July). A New Estimation Technique for Performance Curves of Variable Speed Pump Using a Scada Database. In WDSA/CCWI Joint Conference Proceedings, 1.
- Chen, J., & Boccelli, D. L. (2014, June). Demand forecasting for water distribution systems. In 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING AND CONTROL FOR THE WATER INDUSTRY, CCWI2013, 70, 339-342.
- Qin, T., & Boccelli, D. L. (2014, June). Estimating demands with a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach. In 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING AND CONTROL FOR THE WATER INDUSTRY, CCWI2013, 70, 1386-1390.
- Yang, X., & Boccelli, D. L. (2010, May). The impacts of demand variability on distribution system water quality. In INTEGRATING WATER SYSTEMS, 459-463.
- Boccelli, D. L., Tryby, M. E., Uber, J. G., & Rossman, L. A. (1998, May). Optimal location of booster disinfection stations for residual maintenance. In WATER RESOURCES AND THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT, 266-271.
- Salcedo, C., Boccelli, D. L., & Ostfeld, A. (2022). Incorporation of Demand Uncertainty in the Optimal Location of Confirmatory Sampling Locations in Contaminant Spread Forecasting Algorithms. World Water and Environmental Congress. Atlanta, GA: ASCE.
- Kadinski, L., Salcedo, C., Lee, S., Boccelli, D. L., & Ostfeld, A. (2021). Using Graph Theory for Determining Grab Sampling Location in Real Time upon a Contamination Detection in Water Distribution System. World Water and Environmental Congress. virtual: ASCE.
- Oliveira, P., & Boccelli, D. (2019, May). Spatial Water Demand Grouping Based on Network Flow. Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors. Phoenix, AZ.
- Rana, M., & Boccelli, D. (2019, May). Real-Time Pump Operation Using Stochastic Stochastic Future Demands for Water Distribution Systems. Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors. Phoenix, AZ.
- Salcedo, C., Lee, S., Kadinski, L., Ostfeld, A., & Boccelli, D. L. (2021). Improving Contaminant Spread Estimation through the Consideration of Hydraulic Uncertainty and Identification of Multiple Confirmatory Sampling Locations.. World Water and Environmental Congress. virtual: ASCE.
- Oliveira, P., & Boccelli, D. L. (2017, May). k-Nearest Neighbor for Short Term Water Demand Forecasting. WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES CONGRESS 2017: HYDRAULICS AND WATERWAYS AND WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS.
- Rana, S., Marchi, A., Dandy, G. C., & Boccelli, D. L. (2017, May). Impacts of Measurement Location and Spatial Aggregation on Demand Estimation in Water Distribution Systems. WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES CONGRESS 2017: HYDRAULICS AND WATERWAYS AND WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS.