George N. Frantziskonis

Civil Engineering 211
George Frantziskonis received his civil engineering degree from the Aristotle University in Greece, in 1982 and his doctorate in engineering mechanics from the University of Arizona in 1986. He joined the University of Arizona faculty in 1988 after a visiting position at Aristotle University and consulting for the industry. He is a registered professional civil engineer in the State of Arizona and in the European Union state members. His teaching interests and activities include contemporary, collaborative-style (flipped classroom), multimedia course delivery methods tailored to classroom-based, distance learning, and classes of large enrollment. He has taught numerous courses in the broad areas of civil, mechanical, aerospace, engineering mechanics, and engineering design. He has directed graduate students in civil engineering, engineering materials, and mechanical, aerospace engineering. Frantziskonis’s areas of research interests and activities include multi-and inter-disciplinary multiscale modeling, simulation, and experimentation, material characterization and applications, probabilistic and multiscale problem formulation and description and applications to safety and reliability, behavior of materials at nano-scale, reaction-diffusion-transport and reactive flow problems, smart materials at a multiplicity of scales. Applications include material characterization and modeling, response of materials to rare stochastic events, and reaction-diffusion-transport phenomena in energy production processes. He has published extensively in journals in the areas of (some journals where his work has been published are shown in parentheses), the diversity coming primarily from extending multiscale methods to several areas of science and engineering:
- Mechanics/Materials ( J. Solids & Structures, Acta Mechanica, Comp. Structures)
- Physics ( Rev. B, Phys. Rev. E, J. Phys. A, J. Phys. Cond. Matter)
- Civil Engineering (ASCE journals, & Geotechnics, Structural Control and Health Monitoring)
- Mechanical Engineering ( Mech. Rev., J. Comp.-aided Design)
- Materials Science and Engineering (Smart Mater. & Struct., Intelligent Mat. Systems, Mod. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., Comput. Matl. Sci.)
- Chemical Engineering ( J. Chem. React. Engr., Ultras. Sonochemistry, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Chemical Engineering Science)
- Computational Physics ( Comp. Phys., Chaos, Solitons and Fractals)
- Energy (Energy Conv. & Management)
He holds a tenured professor appointment with the Civil and Architectural Engineering Mechanics Department and a courtesy appointment with the Material Science and Engineering Department at the University of Arizona. He has worked as visiting professor in France, Norway, and Greece, and has taught courses in France and Germany. He has also worked at Department of Defense laboratories for three summers. Awards he has received include the NSF Presidential Young Investigator award and the Fulbright Scholar award.
- PhD Engineering Mechanics
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Progressive Damage and Constitutive Behavior of Materials
- BS Civil Engineering
- Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
- An Algorithm for Two-way Traffic Light Synchronization
Work Experience
- Aristotle University (2015 - 2015)
- National University of Science and Technology (2001 - 2002)
- Université Bordeaux 1 (2001 - 2001)
- Laboratoire de Mecanique et Technologie (LMT) (1994 - 1995)
- Institute National Polytechnique de Grenoble, Laboratoire 3S (1994 - 1994)
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research (1993 - 1997)
- Petroleum and Geological Engineering, University of Oklahoma (1991 - 1991)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1988 - Ongoing)
- Institute for Steel Structures, Aristotle University (1986 - 1988)
Undergraduate Education:Course Experience and Relevant Activities:- Fundamentals of Engineering Design—Hands-on team based experience for freshmen.- Engineering Mechanics, Statics—Core Engineering course.- Computer programming for Civil Engineers.- Strength of Materials—This core course is currently being modified to incorporate learning via the internet, particularly with respect to interactive homework completion. It has also been taught in Grenoble, France, during a sabbatical leave.- Engineering Design Graphics—Computer based drafting.- Junior Field Trip—Practicum experience for Juniors.- Materials Laboratory—experimental property identification of various engineering materials.- Engineering Design—Senior design project, a major, team based, Engineering Project.- Introductory Finite Element Analysis—Technical elective course for seniors- Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Project (team mentoring).Graduate Education:Course Experience and Relevant Activities:- Theory of Elasticity and Applications—Research as well as application oriented basic elasticity theory; students majoring in various Engineering disciplines (Mechanics, Aerospace, Mechanical, Mining, Applied Math, etc.) take this course.- Plasticity Theory and Applications—Computationally and research oriented plasticity for “traditional” and modern materials.- Energy Methods in Mechanics—This “classical” course has been extended to include energy based stability, and chaotic behavior of structures.- Continuum Mechanics—Basic principles of solid mechanics.- Fracture Mechanics—This includes traditional and nontraditional themes, i.e. statistical fracture, scaling phenomena, numerical analysis, etc.Advanced tools, i.e. symbolic computations by computer, and numerical computations using the program Mathematica have been incorporated in some graduate courses.Multimedia technologies are progressively incorporated into undergraduate and graduate education.
- Multiscale Material and Structural Characterization and Applications.- Behavior of Materials at Nano-scale - Surface Effects and Insensitivity to Defects.- Stochastic and Multiscale Material Description and Applications to Material and Structural Performance and Reliability.- Multiscale Interpretation of Experimental Results.- Multiscale and Multiphysics Problems.- Scatter in Material Behavior. - Compressed Air Energy Storage.
CE 214 (Fall 2024)
CE 214 (Fall 2020)
CE 214 (Spring 2020)
CE 214 (Spring 2019)
CE 214 (Spring 2018)
CE 214 (Fall 2017)
CE 214 (Fall 2016)
CE 214 (Spring 2016)
Mechanics of Solids
CE 215 (Spring 2023)
CE 215 (Fall 2022)
CE 215 (Spring 2022)
CE 215 (Fall 2021)
CE 215 (Spring 2021)
CE 215 (Fall 2020)
CE 215 (Spring 2020)
CE 215 (Fall 2019)
CE 215 (Spring 2019)
CE 215 (Fall 2018)
CE 215 (Spring 2018)
CE 215 (Fall 2017)
CE 215 (Spring 2017)
CE 215 (Fall 2016)
CE 215 (Spring 2016)
Probabil+Stat Civil Engr
CE 310 (Fall 2024)
CE 310 (Fall 2022)
CE 310 (Fall 2021)
CE 310 (Fall 2019)
CE 310 (Fall 2018)
Independent Study
CE 399 (Spring 2022)
CE 599 (Spring 2019)
CE 599 (Fall 2018)
EM 599 (Spring 2017)
EM 599 (Fall 2016)
Elasticity Thry+Applictn
EM 504 (Spring 2016)
Research Topics
CE 596A (Fall 2024)
CE 596A (Fall 2020)
CE 596A (Spring 2018)
CE 596A (Spring 2017)
EM 596A (Spring 2017)
CE 920 (Spring 2023)
CE 920 (Fall 2022)
CE 920 (Spring 2022)
CE 920 (Fall 2021)
CE 920 (Spring 2021)
CE 920 (Fall 2020)
CE 920 (Spring 2020)
CE 920 (Fall 2019)
CE 920 (Spring 2018)
CE 920 (Spring 2016)
EM 920 (Fall 2020)
EM 920 (Spring 2020)
EM 920 (Fall 2019)
EM 920 (Spring 2019)
EM 920 (Fall 2018)
EM 920 (Spring 2017)
EM 920 (Fall 2016)
Licensure & Certification
- Professional Engineer, Civil, State of Arizona (2006)
- Professional Engineer, Civil, European Union State Members (1993)
Selected Publications
- Pannala, S., Simunovic, S., & Frantziskonis, G. (2010). Multiscale/multiphysics modeling of biomass thermochemical processes. In Computational Modeling in Lignocellulosic Biofuel Production(pp 245--272). ACS publishers.
- Frantziskonis, G. N., & Blodgett, M. P. (1998). Multlscale Material Characterization and Applications. In PROBAMAT-21st Century: Probabilities and Materials(pp 367--378). Springer.
- Frantziskonis, G., Matikas, T. E., Karpur, P., Krishnamurthy, S., & Shaw, L. (1995). Lattice Analysis to Assess Fiber-matrix Interface Behavior under Various Experimental Configurations. In Computational Mechanics’ 95(pp 2563--2568). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Frantziskonis, G. (1994). Crack pattern related universal constants. In Probabilities and Materials(pp 361--375). Springer.
- Nikravesh, Y., Frantziskonis, G. N., Latypov, M., & Muralidharan, K. (2023). Atomistic characterization of impact bonding in cold spray deposition of copper. Materialia, 26(101736), 11.
- Nikravesh, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, J., & Frantziskonis, G. N. (2022). A partition and microstructure based method applicable to large-scale topology optimization. Mechanics of Materials, 166(104234), 104234.
- Snider-Simon, B., & Frantziskonis, G. N. (2022). Development of Statistical Models for Porosity from Digital Optical Micrographs with Application to Metal Additive Manufacturing Microstructure. Computational Materials Science, 203(111128), 111128.
- Snider-Simon, B., & Frantziskonis, G. N. (2022). Reliability of Metal Additive Manufactured Materials from Modeling the Microstructure at Different Length Scales. Additive Manufacturing, 51(102629), 102629.
- Frantziskonis, G. N. (2021). Techno-economic assessment and design optimization of compressed air energy storage using filament wound carbon fiber reinforced plastic pressure vessels. Journal of energy storage. doi:10.1016/j.est.2021.102754
- Frantziskonis, G. N., & Gur, S. (2021). Design of porous and graded NiTi smart energy absorbers considering synthetic uncertainty in parameters. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 32(16), 1759-1780. doi:10.1177/1045389x20977908
- Nikravesh, Y., Muralidharan, K., & Frantziskonis, G. N. (2021). Techno-economic assessment and design optimization of compressed air energy storage using filament wound CFRP pressure vessels. Journal of Energy Storage, 40, 102754.
- Sadat, M. R., Muralidharan, K., Frantziskonis, G. N., & Zhang, L. (2021). From atomic-scale to mesoscale: A characterization of geopolymer composites using molecular dynamics and peridynamics simulations. Computational Materials Science, 186(110038).
- Gur, S., & Frantziskonis, G. N. (2020). Design of Porous and Functionally Graded NiTi Smart Energy Absorbers Considering Synthetic Parametric Uncertainty. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 1-22. doi:0.1177/1045389X20977908
- Frantziskonis, G. N. (2019). The effect of grain-size on fracture of polycrystalline silicon carbide: A multiscale analysis using a molecular dynamics-peridynamics framework. Computational Materials Science. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.12.038
- Gur, S., Sadat, M. R., Frantziskonis, G. N., Bringuier, S., Zhang, L., & Muralidharan, K. (2019). The effect of grain-size on fracture of polycrystalline silicon carbide: A multiscale analysis using a molecular dynamics-peridynamics framework. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 159, 341-348.
- Bringuier, S., Frantziskonis, G. N., Muralidharan, K., Sadat, M. A., & Zhang, L. (2018). Atomic-scale dynamics and mechanical response of geopolymer binder under nanoindentation. Computational Materials Science. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.10.026
- Frantziskonis, G. N. (2018). Leak Detection in Plastic Water Supply Pipes with a High Signal-to-Noise Ratio Accelerometer. Measurement & Control, 51(1-2), 27-37. doi:10.1177/0020294018758526
- Frantziskonis, G. N., Gur, S., & Muralidharan, K. (2018). Atomistic simulation of shape memory effect (SME) and superelasticity (SE) in nano-porous NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA). Computational Materials Science. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.05.031
- Gur, S., Frantziskonis, G. N., & Muralidharan, K. (2018). Atomistic simulation of shape memory effect (SME) and superelasticity (SE) in nano-porous NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA). COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 152, 28-37.
Proceedings Publications
- Gur, S., Sadat, M. R., Frantziskonis, G. N., Muralidharan, K., Bringuier, S., & Zhang, L. (2019, October). Brittle Fracture of Polycrystaline 3C-Sic: A Case Study Using Molecular Dynamics-Peridynamics Multiscale Models. In 19th International Conference on New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture.
- Gur, S., Muralidharan, K., & Frantziskonis, G. N. (2018, March 11-15). Effect of porosity on the stress-strain response and hysteretic energy dissipation capacity of NiTi SMA. In 2018 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition.
- Gur, S., Muralidharan, K., & Frantziskonis, G. N. (2018, March 11-15). Scale-parity Preserving Multiscale Models for Investigating the Mechanical Properties of Geopolymers. In 2018 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition.
- Meisner, M., Frantziskonis, G., Lin, Y., & Su, T. (1996, May/1996). Dissipated energy as a function of material microstructure. In ENGINEERING MECHANICS: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 11TH CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2, 1030-1033.
- S. K. Mishra, ., & Pannala, S. (2008). Wavelet Based Spatial Scaling of Coupled Reaction Diffusion Fields. In 8th International Conference in Computational Science ICCS 2008, 301--310.
- Villela, D., Kasinathan, V. V., De Valle, S., Alvarez, M., Frantziskonis, G., Deymier, P., Muralidharan, K., & , . (2008). COMPRESSED-AIR ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS FOR STAND-ALONE OFF-GRID PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. In 35TH IEEE PHOTOVOLTAIC SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE, 962-967.
- Frantziskonis, G. N., Shell, E. B., Woo, J., Matikas, T. E., & Nicolaou, P. D. (1999). Wavelet analysis of fretting experimental data. In Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques for Aging Infrastructures \& Manufacturing, 11--27.
- Frantziskonis, G. N., Simon, L. B., Woo, J., & Matikas, T. E. (1999). Characterization of pitting corrosion damage through multiscale analysis. In Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques for Aging Infrastructures \& Manufacturing, 48--58.
- Mishra, S. K., Muralidharan, K., Deymier, P., Frantziskonis, G., Simunovic, S., Pannala, S., Bubak, M., VanAlbada, G., Dongarra, J., & Sloot, P. (1999). Wavelet based spatial scaling of coupled reaction diffusion fields. In COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE - ICCS 2008, PT 2, 5102, 301-310.
- Budhu, M., Ramakrishnan, S., & Frantziskonis, G. (1997). Modeling of granular materials: A numerical model using lattices. In Mechanics of deformation and flow of particulate materials, 77--90.
- Frantziskonis, G., Blodgett, M., & Frantziskonis, G. (1996). Multiscale material characterization and applications. In PROBAMAT-21ST CENTURY: PROBABILITIES AND MATERIALS, 46, 367-378.
- Meisner, M. J., & Frantziskonis, G. N. (1996). Dissipated Energy as a Function of Material Microstructure. In Engineering Mechanics (1996), 1030--1033.
- Ramakrishnan, S., Budhu, M., & Frantziskonis, G. (1996). Constitutive Behavior of Granular Media Using a Lattice Type Model. In Engineering Mechanics (1996), 713--716.
- Frantziskonis, G. N. (2016, June). Thermally Modulated Superelastic SMA Dampers for Vibration Control. 6th Annual International Conference on Civil Engineering & 1st Annual International Conference on Structural Engineering and Mechanics. Athens, Greece: ATINER.
- Gur, S., Manga, V. R., Bringuier, S., Muralidharan, K., & Frantziskonis, G. N. (2016, April). The role of internal strain in the austenite phase stabilization during the martensitic phase transformation in NiTi shape memory alloys. MRS Spring meeting and exhibit. Phoenix, AZ: MRS.
- Gur, S., Manga, V. R., Bringuier, S., Muralidharan, K., & Frantziskonis, G. N. (2015, March). Anisotropy in the Transformation Dynamics of Austenite (B2) to Martensite (B19’) Associated with Superelasticity in NiTi. 2015 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Orlando, FL: TMS.
- Frantziskonis, G. (1996, JUN). Stochastic approaches for damage evolution in standard and non-standard continua - Discussion. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES.
- Yializis, A., & Frantziskonis, G. (2002). Method and apparatus for increasing hitting efficacy in a sporting implement.
- Budhu, M., Frantziskonis, G., & Ramakrishnan, S. (1996). Micro-Structure in Particulate Media-A Lattice Type Approach and Its Validation..
- Frantziskonis, G. (1995). Materials properties-information from non-destructive and destructive experiments via simulation. Final report, 27 July 1994-27 December 1995.
- Frantziskonis, G. N. (1995). Materials Properties-Information from Non-Destructive and Destructive Experiments Via Simulation..
- Tang, F., Frantziskonis, G., & Desai, C. (1992). Instabilities of Damage and Surface Degradation Mechanisms in Brittle Material Structural Systems.
- Accreditation Review Panel Member (five-member panel), University of Crete
- NSF, Fall 1991
- Fulbright
- Fulbright scholarship for six-month visit to the Department of Theoretical Physics, Trondheim, Norway, 2001, Fall 2001