CAEM Hosting Fulbright Visiting Scholar from Phnom Penh
Štefan Tkáč is the Chair of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Associate Professor at American University of Phnom Penh, where he teaches in the University of Arizona dual degree program. This connection to UA has grown stronger, as he is currently serving as the Fulbright Visiting Scholar in CAEM. Tkáč’s journey has taken him from his native Slovakia to Taiwan, then Cambodia, and now Tucson.
As an educator at AUPP, Tkáč brings his international experience to the fore, encouraging his students to be open minded.
“It is one thing to learn in class from professors,” he said. "But it's a whole new experience to go out there and see things for yourself, see how others are doing things rather than just read about it in class... I want my students to be exposed to a broad, global perspective. I don’t want them to be limited or cut off from that global experience, and that’s why I always encourage them to participate in exchange programs."
Tkáč’s appointment as a Fulbright Scholar demonstrates how well the program promotes the cross-cultural exchange of ideas. Tkáč recently spoke at the opening of the Vann Molyvann Exhibition, hosted by the College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture in cooperation with CAEM.