Company Founded by CAEM Professor Emeritus Featured in The Waterways Journal for Pile-Wrapping System Design

Dec. 5, 2018

The Waterways Journal highlighted a product developed at QuakeWrap, a company founded and headed by Mo Ehsani, Professor Emeritus of civil and architectural engineering and mechanics.

PileMedic, a patented pile-wrapping process that can preserve, strengthen and seal pier columns, grew out of products designed to protect structures from earthquakes. Ehsani developed a saturated carbon fiber laminate that arrives in sheets and can be wrapped around piers and structures and applied with a curing mixture. Once dry, the material is three times stronger than steel while also being much lighter.

Ehsani – who is QuakeWrap’s current CEO and an internationally recognized expert in of structural applications of fiber reinforced polymer technology – told Waterways that competing products that address corrosion of the concrete, steel or wooden piles on which most docks sit have neither the flexibility nor customizability of his company’s system.

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