Robert B. Fleischman

Civil Engineering 220H
CE 214 (Fall 2018)
Elem Structural Anlys
CE 333 (Fall 2019)
CE 333 (Fall 2017)
CE 333 (Fall 2016)
Structural Dsgn Steel
CE 334 (Fall 2024)
CE 334 (Fall 2023)
CE 334 (Fall 2022)
CE 334 (Fall 2021)
CE 334 (Fall 2020)
CE 334 (Spring 2017)
CE 334 (Spring 2016)
Behav+Dsgn Struct System
CE 438 (Spring 2024)
CE 438 (Spring 2023)
CE 438 (Spring 2022)
CE 438 (Spring 2021)
CE 438 (Spring 2020)
CE 438 (Fall 2017)
CE 538 (Spring 2023)
CE 538 (Spring 2021)
CE 538 (Fall 2017)
CE 493 (Summer I 2016)
Research Topics
CE 596A (Spring 2023)
CE 596A (Spring 2020)
CE 596A (Fall 2017)
Independent Study
CE 599 (Fall 2024)
CE 599 (Spring 2024)
CE 599 (Fall 2023)
CE 599 (Spring 2023)
CE 599 (Fall 2022)
CE 599 (Fall 2021)
CE 599 (Spring 2021)
CE 599 (Fall 2020)
CE 599 (Fall 2019)
CE 599 (Spring 2017)
CE 599 (Fall 2016)
CE 599 (Spring 2016)
Master's Report
CE 909 (Fall 2016)
CE 910 (Spring 2024)
CE 910 (Fall 2023)
CE 910 (Fall 2022)
CE 910 (Spring 2022)
CE 910 (Fall 2021)
CE 910 (Summer I 2020)
CE 910 (Spring 2020)
CE 910 (Fall 2019)
CE 910 (Spring 2018)
CE 910 (Fall 2017)
CE 910 (Spring 2017)
CE 910 (Fall 2016)
CE 910 (Summer I 2016)
CE 910 (Spring 2016)
CE 920 (Fall 2024)
CE 920 (Spring 2024)
CE 920 (Fall 2023)
CE 920 (Spring 2023)
CE 920 (Fall 2022)
CE 920 (Spring 2022)
CE 920 (Fall 2021)
CE 920 (Spring 2018)
CE 920 (Fall 2017)
CE 920 (Spring 2017)
CE 920 (Fall 2016)
CE 920 (Spring 2016)
Selected Publications
- Fleischman, R. B. (2014). Seismic Design Methodology Document for Precast Concrete Diaphragms. In Seismic Design Methodology for Precast Concrete Floor Diaphragms. PCI/CPF. doi:10.15554/pci.rr.seis-023
- Fleischman, R. B. (2008). Development of a seismic design methodology for precast concrete floor diaphragms. In Tailor Made Concrete Structures New Solutions for our Society, 1st Edition(pp 133-139). CRC Press/Balkema.
- Park, R., Watanabe, F., Alcocer, S. M., Boen, T., Bonelli, P., Bull, D. K., Bull, D. K., Calvi, G. M., Cheok, G. S., Clark, W., Cleland, N., Davidson, B., Englekirk, R. E., Fischinger, M., Fleischman, R. B., French, C. E., Hawkins, N. M., Lngham, J., Macrae, G. A., , Maffei, J., et al. (2003). fib Bulletin 27. Seismic design of precast concrete building structures. In Seismic design of precast concrete building structures. fib. The International Federation for Structural Concrete. doi:10.35789/FIB.BULL.0027
- Fleischman, R. B., Lu, L., Viscomi, B. V., & Goodwin, K. (1995). Design and Implementation of ATLSS Connections. In National Science Foundation National Conference on Research into Practice(pp 18 pages). Washington DC: National Science Foundation. doi:10.1061/9780784400944.ch10
- Poursharifi, M., Abedi, K., Chenaghlou, M., & Fleischman, R. B. (2017). Stability Analysis of Double Layer Barrel Vaults Equipped with an Accordion Force-Limiting Device. Journal of Constructional Research.
- Scheidegger, C., Fleischman, R. B., Kuzucu, I. B., Levine, J. A., Zhao, Z., Motta, D., Berger, M., & Paiva, A. (2021). STFT-LDA: An algorithm to facilitate the visual analysis of building seismic responses. Information Visualization, 20(4), 263-282. doi:10.1177/14738716211038618
- Zhang, D., Lee, D. H., & Fleischman, R. B. (2021). Verification of diaphragm seismic design factors for precast concrete office buildings. Earthquakes and Structures, 20(1), 13-27. doi:10.12989/eas.2021.20.1.13
- Zhao, Z., Motta, D., Berger, M., Levine, J. A., Kuzucu, I. B., Fleischman, R. B., Paiva, A., & Scheidegger, C. (2021). STFT-LDA: An Algorithm to Facilitate the Visual Analysis of Building Seismic Responses. Information Visualization, 20(no. 4), 263-282. doi:10.48550/arxiv.2109.00197
- Poursharifi, M., Fleischman, R. B., Chenaghlou, M. R., & Abedi, K. (2020). Introducing a new all steel accordion force limiting device for space structures. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 74(1), 69-82. doi:10.12989/sem.2020.74.1.069
- Zhang, D., Lee, D. H., & Fleischman, R. B. (2020). Effects of diaphragm flexibility on the seismic design acceleration of precast concrete diaphragms. Computers and Concrete, 25(3), 273-282. doi:10.12989/cac.2020.25.3.273
- Zhang, D., & Fleischman, R. B. (2019). Verification of diaphragm seismic design factors for precast concrete parking structures. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 71(6), 643-656. doi:10.12989/sem.2019.71.6.643
- Zhang, D., Fleischman, R. B., Schoettler, M. J., Restrepo, J. I., & Mielke, M. (2019). Precast Diaphragm Response in Half-Scale Shake Table Test. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 145(5).
- Kurama, Y. C., Sritharan, S., Fleischman, R. B., Restrepo, J. I., Henry, R. S., Cleland, N. M., Ghosh, S. K., & Bonelli, P. (2018). Seismic-Resistant Precast Concrete Structures: State of the Art. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, 144(4).
- Shakya, U., Fleischman, R. B., Zhang, Z., Restrepo, J. I., Guerrini, G., Nema, A., Zhang, D., Tsampras, G., & Sause, R. (2018). Shake-table test performance of an inertial force-limiting floor anchorage system. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 47(10), 1987-2011. doi:10.1002/eqe.3047
- Tsampras, G., Sause, R., Fleischman, R. B., & Restrepo, J. I. (2018). Experimental study of deformable connection consisting of friction device and rubber bearings to connect floor system to lateral force resisting system. EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, 47(4), 1032-1053.
- Zhang, Z., Fleischman, R. B., Restrepo, J. I., Guerrini, G., Nema, A., Zhang, D., Shakya, U., Tsampras, G., & Sause, R. (2018). Shake-table test performance of an inertial force-limiting floor anchorage system. EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, 47(10), 1987-2011.
- Fleischman, R. B., Tsampras, G., Sause, R., & Restrepo, J. I. (2017). Experimental study of deformable connection consisting of friction device and rubber bearings to connect floor system to lateral force resisting system. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 47(4), 1032-1053. doi:10.1002/eqe.3004
- Tsampras, G., Sause, R., Fleischman, R. B., & Restrepo, J. I. (2017). Experimental study of deformable connection consisting of buckling-restrained brace and rubber bearings to connect floor system to lateral force resisting system. EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, 46(8), 1287-1305.
- Fleischman, R. B., & Seeber, K. (2016). New Construction for Resilient Cities: The Argument for Sustainable Low Damage Precast/Prestressed Concrete Building Structures in the 21st Century. Scientia Iranica, Special Issue on Resilient Cities(REF # 30.809.151227,). doi:10.24200/sci.2016.2230
Proceedings Publications
- Blasi, G., Perrone, D., Aiello, M. A., & Fleischman, R. B. (2021, Sept). Retrofit of Masonry Infills: Local Interaction with Reinforced Concrete Frames. In 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 17WCEE.
- Bokhari, I., Browne, S., Young, H., & Fleischman, R. B. (2022, March). Experimental Evaluation of Casting Quality and Welded Interfaces for Cast Steel Nodes to Round HSS. In North American Steel Construction Conference (NASCC): The Steel Conference.
- Fleischman, R. B., Sause, R., Ricles, J., Uang, C. M., Li, C. H., Moya, J., & Duke, J. (2021, Sept). ANALYTICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF SEISMIC FLOOR AND ROOF COLLECTORS IN STEEL BUILDING STRUCTURES. In 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 17WCEE, 1-11.
- Fleischman, R. B., Sause, R., Ricles, J., Uang, C. M., Moya, J., Dongzhi, G., Li, C. H., & Duke, J. (2020, June). ANALYTICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF STEEL SEISMIC COLLECTOR CONNECTIONS. In IX Connections Workshop, AISC-ECCS Workshop on Connections in Steel Structures, 1-11.
- Li, C. H., Uang, C. M., & Fleischman, R. B. (2022, July). Shake Table Tests on Seismic Response of Collectors in Steel Buildings. In 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (12NCEE).
- Li, C. H., Uang, C. M., & Fleischman, R. B. (2022, July). Strain Aging Effects on Seismic Response of Buckling Restrained Braces. In 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (12NCEE).
- Moya, J., Fleischman, R. B., Maldonado, C., & Bokhari, I. (2020, December). ANALYTICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF CASTING QUALITY EFFECT ON DUCTILE FRACTURE PERFORMANCE. In SFSA Technical & Operations Conference, 1-9.
- Pandey, S., Fleischman, R. B., Sause, R., Ricles, J., & Uang, C. M. (2022, July). Behavior of Seismic Collectors in Steel Building Structures. In 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (12NCEE).
- Park, S., Bokhari, I., Alnuaimi, H., Amjad, U., Fleischman, R. B., & Kundu, T. (2022, April). Inspection of steel tube welded joint using nonlinear ultrasonic technique. In SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation, 2022, Volume 12048.
- Tsampras, G., Sause, R., Fleischman, R. B., & Restrepo, J. (2022, July). Practical force-limiting deformable connections in buildings with rocking base mechanism and limited higher-mode responses. In 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (12NCEE), Reimagining Risk and Resilience.
- Park, S., Bokhari, I., Alnuaimi, H., Amjad, U., Fleischman, R. B., & Kundu, T. (2022, April). Inspection of steel tube welded joint using nonlinear ultrasonic technique. In Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 12048,, pp. 10.1117/12.2611920.
- Tsampras, G., Sause, R., Fleischman, R. B., Restrepo, J., Maffei, J., & Mar, D. (2015, April). Experimental validation of an earthquake resistant building system to control floor accelerations . In 2015 ASCE Structures Congress.
- Agarwal, A., Lizarraga, D., Beedle, M., Li, C. H., Fleischman, R. B., Sause, R., Ricles, J. M., & Uang, C. (2018, June 25-29). Investigation of seismic performance of collectors in steel building structures. In Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Integrating Science, Engineering & Policy,.
- Agarwal, A., Lizarraga, D., Beedle, M., Li, C., Fleischman, R. B., Sause, R., Ricles, J., & Uang, C. (2018, June). INVESTIGATION OF SEISMIC PERFORMANCE OF COLLECTORS IN STEEL BUILDING STRUCTURES. In Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Integrating Science, Engineering & Policy.
- Kuzucu, ,,, I. B., Fleischman, R. B., Zhang, D., Scheidegger, C. E., & Wei, Y. (2018, June). VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF FORCE-CONTROLLED SEISMIC RESPONSES IN MULTI-STORY RC BUILDINGS. In Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Integrating Science, Engineering & Policy.
Poster Presentations
- Fleischman, R. B. (2015, April). A Seismogeodetic Approach to Building Monitoring Using MEMS Accelerometers. SSA Annual Meeting. Pasadena CA: Seismological Society of America.
- Fleischman, R. B. (2015, November). Deformable Connection For Earthquake-Resistant Building Systems. JAEE 11th Annual Conference and International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering 2015. Tokyo JAPAN: University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science.
- Fleischman, R. B. (2014, December). Seismogeodetic Monitoring of Structural Deformation during Shaketable Experiments. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco CA: American Geophysical Union.
- Fleischman, R. B. (2014, March). Shake Table Assessment of GPS and MEMS Accelerometers for Real-Time Seismogeodetic Monitoring of Structural Deformation and Earthquake Early Warning. UNAVCO Annual Meeting. Denver CO: National Science Foundation.
- Fleischman, R. B. (2014, Aug). REU Posters for NEESR Undergraduate Research Experience (3 posters presented). NEES Quake Summit. Reno NV: National Science Foundation (NSF) Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES).
- Fleischman, R. B. (2015, December). Total Project Planning: Case Study 1: PCI Building. NHERI@UCSD Users Training Workshop. University of California - San Diego, La Jolla CA: National Science Foundation (NSF) Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Program.
- Fleischman, R. B. (2014, September). Large Scale Shake Table Testing of Precast Concrete Structures. Workshop on Future Directions for the UC San Diego Large Outdoor Shake Table. La Jolla CA: University of California-San Diego.
- Fleischman, R. B. (2014, September). Sustainable Precast Concrete Construction. 2nd Sino-U.S. Workshop on the Challenges Ahead: Sustainability Issues. Pasadena CA: National Science Foundation.
- Fleischman, R. B., & Sumer, A. (2003, January). Development of modular cast steel connections for seismic-resistant building frames. Standardization News.
- 2016 Charles Pankow Award for Innovation
- American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), Fall 2015
- Undergraduate Teaching Award (Honorable Mention)
- Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Arizona, Fall 2015
- 2014 Society of Civil Engineers Teaching Award
- UA CEEM Department (through UA Student SCE Chapter), Fall 2014
- 2014 NEES Outstanding Contributor Award
- National Science Foundation (NSF) George E. Brown Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES), Summer I 2014
- 2014 Leslie D. Martin Award of Merit
- Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Spring 2014
- Faculty Fellow
- UA COE, Spring 2013