Tejo V. Bheemasetti

Tejo Bheemasetti is an assistant professor in the Civil and Architectural Engineering and Mechanics at the University of Arizona. His research focuses on both fundamental and applied aspects of geotechnical engineering to investigate and develop solutions to mitigate distresses caused by problematic soils. Dr. Bheemasetti's research has been sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Transportation (DOT), Environmental Foundation, Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS), and NASA. Dr. Bheemasetti's formal training includes a BS and MS in civil engineering from GMRIT - JNTU and IIT Kharagpur, respectively, and a PhD in geotechnical engineering with professor Puppala at UTA. Dr. Bheemasetti has authored and co-authored over 50+ peer-reviewed research articles. He is currently a member of the standing geotechnical committees in ASCE and TRB.
- PhD Civil Engineering
- University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas
- Spatial Variability and Prediction Analysis of Soil Properties, Advisor - Dr. Anand Puppala
- MS Civil Engineering
- Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India
- Lateral Load-Deflection Response of Battered PilesAdvisor - Dr. Ghosh
Work Experience
- South Dakota School of Mines (2018 - 2022)
- University of Texas Arlington (2015 - 2018)
Soil Mechanics
CE 343 (Spring 2024)
Earth Struc Geotech Engr
CE 441 (Fall 2024)
CE 541 (Fall 2024)
Spec Top In Geomechanics
CE 444 (Fall 2023)
CE 544 (Fall 2023)
CE 544 (Spring 2023)
Independent Study
CE 599 (Fall 2023)
CE 920 (Fall 2024)
CE 920 (Spring 2024)
CE 920 (Fall 2023)
CE 920 (Spring 2023)
CE 920 (Fall 2022)
Selected Publications
- Chakraborty, S., Bheemasetti, T. V., & Puppala, A. J. (2019). Effect of Constant Energy Source on Coherence Function in Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) Testing. In Geotechnical Characterization and Geoenvironmental Engineering. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-0899-4_8
- Puppala, A. J., Bheemasetti, T. V., & Chittoori, B. C. (2019). Quality Assurance Studies for Ground Improvement Projects. In Geotechnical Design and Practice. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-0505-4_1
- Puppala, A. J., Bheemasetti, T. V., Pedarla, A., Cai, G., Yu, X., & Zou, H. (2016). Spatial Variability Analysis of Soil Properties using Geostatistics. In Handbook of Research on Advanced Computational Techniques for Simulation-Based Engineering. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9479-8.ch008
- Puppala, A. J., Pedarla, A., & Bheemasetti, T. V. (2015). Soil Modification by Admixtures. In Ground Improvement Case Histories: Chemical, Electro kinetic, Thermal and Bioengineering. doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-100191-2.00010-1
- Rahman, R., Bheemasetti, T. V., Govil, T., & Sani, R. K. (2024). Psychrophiles to Control Ice-Water Phase Changes in Frost-Susceptible Soils. Scientific Reports, 14(477). doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-3150261/v1
- Rahman, R., & Bheemasetti, T. V. (2023). Effects of Calcium Nitrate on Thermal Hysteresis and Corresponding Freezing Characteristics of Silty Sand Mixtures. ASCE Journal of Materials, 35(9). doi:10.1061/jmcee7.mteng-15145
- Tabassum, T., & Bheemasetti, T. V. (2023). Effects of Geometry and Forms of Recycled Plastics on Strength Properties of Silty Soils. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 47(1), 86 -103. doi:10.1520/gtj20220261
- Bheemasetti, T. V., Tohm, C., & Lingwall, B. N. (2022). Ice-Water Phase Change Studies in Plastic and Non-Plastic Silts. Frontiers in Built Environment, 8(2022). doi:10.3389/fbuil.2022.943614
- Caballero, S. R., Bheemasetti, T. V., Puppala, A. J., & Chakraborty, S. (2022). Geotechnical Visualization and Three-Dimensional Geostatistics Modeling of Highly Variable Soils of a Hydraulic Fill Dam. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. doi:10.1061/(asce)gt.1943-5606.0002872
- Tabassum, T., & Bheemasetti, T. V. (2022). Investigative Studies on Recycled High-Density Polyethylene and Polypropylene Pellets for Stabilization of Kaolinite Rich Soils. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. doi:10.1061/(asce)mt.1943-5533.0004318
- Tabassum, T., Rahman, R., & Bheemasetti, T. V. (2022). Thermal-mechanical properties of stabilized clayey sand subgrade soils. Transportation Geotechnics, 37(100880). doi:10.1016/j.trgeo.2022.100880
- Chakraborty, S., Bheemasetti, T. V., Das, J. T., & Puppala, A. J. (2021). Seismic Slope Stability Analysis of a Hydraulic Fill Dam. International Journal of Geomechanics. doi:10.1061/(asce)gm.1943-5622.0001892
- Chakraborty, S., Bheemasetti, T. V., Puppala, A. J., Das, J. T., & O, S. R. (2021). Geomaterial Characterization and Stability Assessment of Hydraulic Fill Dams. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. doi:10.1061/(asce)mt.1943-5533.0003553
- Talluri, N., Congress, S. S., Bheemasetti, T. V., Puppala, A. J., & Yu, X. (2021). Assessment of Sulfate-Induced Heave in Chemically Treated Soils Using a Novel Hybrid Sensor. Geotechnical Testing Journal. doi:10.1520/gtj20190196
- Tohm, C., Bheemasetti, T. V., & Diwakar, P. K. (2022). Spectroscopy framework and review of characterization of energy resource sites. Energy geoscience. doi:10.1016/j.engeos.2021.12.003
- Chakraborty, S., Bheemasetti, T. V., Das, J. T., & Puppala, A. J. (2020). Seismic response analysis of a hydraulic fill dam. Acta Geotechnica. doi:10.1007/s11440-020-00978-w
- Chakraborty, S., Bheemasetti, T. V., Puppala, A. J., & Nazarian, S. (2019). A rational approach to select the number of field tests required to determine subgrade properties. International Journal of Pavement Engineering. doi:10.1080/10298436.2017.1394095
- Chakraborty, S., Bheemasetti, T. V., Puppala, A. J., & Verreault, L. (2019). Use of Constant Energy Source in SASW Test and Its Influence on Seismic Response Analysis. Geotechnical Testing Journal. doi:10.1520/gtj20170220
- Jafari, N. H., Puppala, A. J., Boluk, B., Chakraborty, S., Cadigan, J. A., Pleasant, J. E., & Bheemasetti, T. V. (2019). Predicting the Performance of Highway Embankment Slopes. MATEC web of conferences. doi:10.1051/matecconf/201927102007
Proceedings Publications
- Ghimire, U., Bheemasetti, T. V., Kozak, P., & Kunza, L. A. (2023, March / Spring). Geochemical Properties and Atterberg Limits of Low Saline Sand-Clay Mixtures. In Geo-Congress, 405-414.
- Rahman, R., Bheemasetti, T. V., Govil, T., Ticku, A., & Sani, R. K. (2023, March / Spring). A Novel Approach to Control Ice Formation with Psychrophilic Microbes. In Geo-Congress 2023, 411- 421.
- Tohm, C., Bheemasetti, T. V., Rahman, R., & Tabbasum, T. (2023, March / Spring). Erosion Potential of Frost-Susceptible Soils Subjected to Freeze-Thaw Cycles. In Geo-Congress, 402-411.
- Rahman, R., & Bheemasetti, T. V. (2021). Evaluation Studies on Freezing Point Depression of Stabilized Frost-Susceptible Soil. In IFCEE 2021.
- Congress, S. S., Kumar, P., Patil, U. D., Bheemasetti, T. V., & Puppala, A. J. (2020). Three-Dimensional Stability Analysis of Rock Slope Using Aerial Photogrammetry Data. In In Geo-Congress 2020: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Special Topics.
- Tabassum, T., & Bheemasetti, T. V. (2020). Self-Healing and Desiccation Crack Behavior of Kaolinite-Rich Clay Soil. In Geo-Congress 2020: Foundations, Soil Improvement, and Erosion.
- Das, J. T., Samuel, R., George, A. M., Chakraborty, S., Bheemasetti, T. V., & Puppala, A. J. (2018). Establishing a Threshold Sustainability Index for a Geotechnical Construction. In IFCEE 2018.
- Caballero, S. R., Bheemasetti, T. V., Puppala, A. J., Verreault, L., & Koterba, D. (2017). Three-Dimensional Visualization Model of the Eagle Mountain Dam Using Cone Penetration Test Data Based on Geostatistics. In ASCE Geotechnical Frontiers 2017.
- Zou, H., Cai, G., Liu, S., Bheemasetti, T. V., & Puppala, A. J. (2017). Assessing Spatial Variability of Piezocone Penetration Resistance of Layered Soft Clays Using Geostatistics. In Proceedings of International Conference on Soft Ground Engineering.
- Bheemasetti, T. V., Pedarla, A., Zou, H., Caballero, S. R., & Puppala, A. J. (2016). Interpretation of a Subsurface Soil Profile Using a Limited Data Set and Geostatistics. In Proceedings in Geo-Chicago 2016.
- Caballero, S. R., Acharya, R., Banerjee, A., Bheemasetti, T. V., Puppala, A. J., & Patil, U. D. (2016). Sustainable Slope Stabilization Using Biopolymer-Reinforced Soil. In Proceedings in Geo-Chicago 2016.
- Zou, H., Cai, G., Liu, S., Bheemasetti, T. V., & Puppala, A. J. (2016). Geostatistical Modeling Resistivity of Cohesionless Soil Using RCPTU Data. In Proceedings in Geo-Chicago 2016.
- Acharya, R., Pedarla, A., Bheemasetti, T. V., Puppala, A. J., & Zhang, N. (2015). Shrinkage Induced Pressure Measurement to Address Desiccation Cracking in Expansive Soils. In IFCEE 2015.
- Acharya, R., Bheemasetti, T. V., Ruttanaporamakul, P., Chittoori, B. C., & Puppala, A. J. (2014). Numerical Modeling of a Highway Embankment Using Geofoam Material as Partial Fill Replacement. In Proceedings in Geo-Congress 2014.